So this fire I talk about..... what is this. This feeling between my heart & my throat; it just burns with passion, with ideas, with convictions, with the realization I have so much to do in this life time & not enough time. I prayed a prayer after hearing a very moving song one day a while back. I asked God to break my heart for what breaks his. OOPS. it came true. My heart is breaking for humanity in more ways than one. Im being flooded with awareness & information on a couple of issues that have stood out to me, that speak to me deep. One issue is the issue of abortion. I could bust out the statistics but I don't have much time to research at the moment, but I do know that every 27 seconds another baby was aborted. My heart breaks for the innocent lil lives that were never given a chance. People can argue til they are blue in the face, and maybe I don't have all the facts memorized just yet but my heart speaks loud n clear. Loud that this is wrong that someone has to stand up for the innocent and/or support the women who get abortions & have to live with the guilt.
My life had been so consumed with my own issues... Once the blinders were lifted & my head cleared.... the true me was revealed. A person who is meant to stand up for injustice, to fight for whats right, but most importantly to lead by example. I am not perfect. I have skeletons, but those dark ugly things have surfaced & I believe everyday God & I are weaving them into the most beautiful things about me. I have this fire in me to be the change.... to stand by my convictions & follow my heart where ever it may take me.... I feel like this world has painted a picture for women to think abortion is a great option, to see it as normal. Everyone I talk to just talks about it as matter of fact... like if a child has a cleff lip or down syndrome or you aren't equipped .... then abortion is the way to go. WHat a lie! If the world could see the process of aborting, if they could see the what that child would of been, or what gifts he might have had to add to life..... they would feel different i'm sure. My dream is to stand up for those babies, help support & prepare scared new mothers, offer my unconditional love & show my daughter how live a life worth living. There is another issue i'm aching to address but i will save that for a later time. I mostly just needed to express this fire that is driving me inside. Where was it before? Why is it so strong now? Why does it feel soooooo good? I am so lucky to have this life, this heart that is breaking for others, this beautiful daughter to nurture, this family to let heal, & this world to leave an imprint on.
I am ready... one foot in front of the other. There's no turning back.